
5 Ways to Boost Brand Recognition

Boost Brand Recognition

Around 94% of the global population recognizes the Coca-Cola logo, an excellent example of brand recognition.

Unlike brand awareness, this marketing technique ensures that consumers know your company when they glance at your logo or find your social media page. Perhaps you’ve been struggling with boosting brand recognition, and you’re looking for inspiration.

Sounds familiar? Don’t worry; you’ve come to the right place. Here are five tips to help you.

1. Market Your Selling Points

Before figuring out how to build brand loyalty, start by capturing their interests. In your marketing strategy, highlight why you stand out from competitors and how you can improve your customers’ lives.

Unfamiliar with building a brand? Then work with a brand experience agency to convey this in your brand identity and marketing assets.

2. Communicate Your Story

The key to brand building is communicating your story.

Take KFC, for example. We know about Colonel Sanders’s famous herbs and spices, which inspired the fast-food chain’s logo. For instance, the colonel wears an apron to show the restaurant’s family’s values.

3. Be Visually Consistent

Every business brand knows the importance of being visually consistent. You can only stick in the consumer’s mind if they’ve seen you repeatedly, whether it’s on social media or your product’s packaging.

To make this effective, choose one or two major colors and use the same typography throughout.

4. Give Away Promotional Swag

Eight out of 10 consumers say that their opinion of a brand improved after receiving a promotional product from a brand.

Because of this, hand out promotional swag with your logo to boost brand recognition. You could do this on an array of materials like pens, water bottles, and keychains. But before choosing one, consider what your target audience would enjoy the most, so it’s cohesive with your company.

A major benefit of promotional swag is it offers excellent ROI. This is because the more consumers use your branded products, the more it increases the recognizability of your company.

5. Keep It Simple

If you’re feeling overwhelmed with your business branding, know that simple is best. Consider the Nike or McDonald’s logo, for example. They are both instantly recognizable because they have a striking logo and use the same color palette across all platforms.

Once you’ve got strong branding, find new ways to cut through the noise. For instance, try guerilla marketing campaigns to capture your audience’s attention.

A great example is creating a flash mob to promote a product or hiring a graffiti artist to make art based on your brand.

Our Brand Recognition Tips

Hopefully, after reading this article, you now know how to boost your brand recognition.

Start by figuring out how you’re unique from other brands, communicate your story, and keep your branding simple. You should also hand out promotional swag and be visually consistent to boost brand recognition. Good luck!

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