
Top 5 Ways to Get Better at Listening English Language

Certainly we all are Hollywood fans and most of us like to watch movies but unfortunately nonnatives find it a little intricate to understand the native characters projected in the movie or series. However, when we switch to a more practical side there are professionals who deal with people from other countries and couldn’t communicate themselves properly due to the fact that their native accents act as a barrier between the traders or dealers.

Unfortunately, poor English listening skills aren’t addressed as they should be because people take not understanding English language as an insult. But, there are several ways to improve your English listening skills so that you can watch your favorite movies without subtitles or waiting for a dubbed version.

In fact, better English listening skills can win you more mutually beneficial deals from your international clients. Imagine yourself on a phone call with a native English speaker where you wouldn’t be able to read his lips or gestures and all you have to do is to listen to his voice and make sense of his words which you couldn’t do which obviously wouldn’t leave a good impression on your client

We brought you some interesting ways to improve your English receptive skills, besides you can also learn some nouns along the way from

Expose Yourself to Spoken English Environment:

Instead of speaking English Language at first look for opportunities to listen to native English speakers. In the advanced world of today such opportunities await at every step of your life. If you are a student get over your shyness and start attending seminars, listen to motivational public English speakers. Secondly, do not shy away from asking questions if you don’t understand a word or you didn’t understand the meaning of a particular word. Lastly, be attentive to what is being said and try to comprehend and make sense of the sentences.

 Watch English Movies or Documentaries:

You should watch English movies in its original voice instead of a dubbed version. However, you can re watch the movie again in your native language to understand the things you missed out on due to the language barrier. Moreover, you can also watch or listen to what you interests you such as documentaries or interviews of your favorite celebrities. Another good alternative is watching movies with subtitles to save your time and energy.

Read and Listen at the Same Time:

Engage as much sensory organs as you can at the same time, it happens when you read and listen at the same time. There are two ways to do just that, you can either read aloud or listen to yourself read. Another more effective way is to buy a book to read and also download the same audio book to listen to. This way your mind gets engaged in the task and it also becomes easier to pronounce the words written in the book. You can also listen to your audiobook while performing your household chores by playing it in your portable active speaker.

Context Adds to Your Understanding of the Language:

Be mindful of the context of the situation where you are at, observe closely what is being done and know about the background of the situation. This helps you comprehend the words that are being said by the speaker. Also, do your research about the topic before listening to the public speaker so that you don’t get lost between the lines and you remain interested throughout the session. Moreover, it is essential to note the things that interests you so that you can use them as references in your conversations.

Empathize with the Speaker:

Emotional intelligence tells a lot a about a person’s listening abilities when you feel the same emotion that the speaker feels while he tells you something you are an excellent listener so be attentive to the speaker and empathize with him Display your emotions to the speaker and catch his nonverbal cues when he expresses disappointment or happiness.

There are a number of activities listed on the internet to perform in order improve your listening skills so get to practicing your listening skills today.

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