
Tips to Buy the Best 5-Star Refrigerators for Your Kitchen

Whether you live in a large household or a small one, and whether you live alone or as a couple, there is always a refrigerator that meets your exact requirement. There are many considerations you may have while shopping for a refrigerator, and these can range from the cost to the technology and features that refrigerators offer. Buying a fridge poses a challenge to consumers, as there are several reputed brands selling a multitude of models. So what should you look at while buying a new refrigerator? Important factors that you should consider are the cost versus feature analysis, the capacity and the energy-efficient operation of the appliance.

Many brands may offer you the ideal fridge, meeting all your needs, such as the Voltas refrigerator for instance. Nonetheless, you will most likely have to compromise either with respect to the brand or the model, as the capacity you need may not be offered by the brand you desire, or the energy efficiency may not be sufficient in the capacity you wish for. Energy ratings are applied to all refrigerators these days, and they range from 1 to 5 stars (as stipulated by the Bureau of Energy Efficiency – BEE). In this range, 1 signifies a low rating, and 5 the highest. If you get the refrigerator you desire with a 5-star rating, you are assured of substantial savings in your future power bills. 

5-Star Refrigerators

A 5-star refrigerator is one that performs with optimal efficiency to assure you that the refrigerator saves on power while doing its job well. A 5-star refrigerator will be more expensive than a 2-star refrigerator, as the technology within the appliance is advanced enough to save more energy than the 2-star model. You get various types of refrigerators with different energy ratings, and on average, buying a refrigerator with a 3 to 5-star energy rating is sufficient to cut down on your utility bills. Nonetheless, a refrigerator with a 5-star rating is the best in terms of energy savings, and you get excellent 5 star refrigerators from top brands like LG, Samsung and Whirlpool.

Size Matters

With the increase in demands of Indian families, refrigerator sizes have increased too. Clearly, the larger the refrigerator, the greater the energy consumption. For instance, a Voltas refrigerator of 470 L will cost more to run than an LG refrigerator of 360 L. However, even with a higher capacity, a refrigerator with a 5-star rating won’t consume as much energy. Consider that a refrigerator has a lower capacity, but it may have a low energy rating as well, meaning that it operates less efficiently, thus consuming more power. For every volume increase, a refrigerator’s power consumption goes up by approximately 0.5-1 unit. If you live on a tight budget, it’s a good idea to buy a 5-star refrigerator so you know you will save on your utility bills. 

Return on Investment

A refrigerator is used 24 x 7, and if you invest in a 5-star fridge, you are assured of energy savings. Additionally, any refrigerator from 3 – 5 stars in energy rating offers you the latest in cooling technology. This means that inverter compressor technology used in these refrigerators controls the power supplied to compressors in an efficient way. As a result, the refrigerator operates by an intelligent means, gauging the load and temperature to determine the power needed. If your refrigerator isn’t full, then the cooling required is less, and the refrigerator consumes less power. Similarly, if the ambient temperature is cool, the refrigerator can adapt its cooling to suit the ambient temperature, and uses less power.

Various Types

You get 5-star refrigerators in single door variants as well as double door models. The larger the capacity you want in a refrigerator, the more you should be prepared to meet energy costs. Nonetheless, if you want a large refrigerator, you may opt for a 3-star model. This is because refrigerators with large capacities (over 240 L) typically come with lower energy ratings. Many single door refrigerator models, like the Godrej 192 L (RD EDGENEO 207E 53 THI AQ BL) Refrigerator or the Samsung 225 L (RR223A2H3W9R/HL) Refrigerator are excellent 5-star models you can invest in. People often compromise on the star rating and buy 3-star refrigerators if they need models with large volumes. Although a 5-star refrigerator assures you of greater savings, a 3-star and 4-star refrigerator can be equally beneficial. Furthermore, certain consumers may want to purchase two refrigerators, and they can either opt for two 5-star models, or one 3-star refrigerator and one 5-star refrigerator, depending on their convenience and requirement.

You can browse through the wide range of 5-star refrigerators on offer at the Bajaj Finserv EMI Store, and avail attractive deals and discounts that will reduce the refrigerator cost. Additionally, you can purchase the appliance at no-cost EMIs, and pay for the refrigerator later in the form of monthly instalments.

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