
Tips for a good Shopify product image size

Shopify is a e-commerce platform that allows its users to create their own online stores and sell products. It has a range of features, including the ability to add new products, manage orders, use social media marketing and more. Shopify provides graphic design templates for users who don’t have the skills or resources to create their own designs. Allowing them to set up professional looking stores quickly and easily.

Tips for a good Shopify product image size

1. Shopify logo

Make sure your Shopify product image size is large enough to show the logo at 100% quality and at a normal viewing distance. In some situations, you may have to make your logo go all the way across the top side of your product image. If you have this problem, use a minimum size of 500×500 pixels or more. You can view the infographic to see how many pixels you should use here.

2. Shopify product image

Make sure you have a good view of your product. You want the customer to see what the product looks like and if it looks appealing, they are more likely to consider buying it. Once you have decided on a layout for your shop, make sure you have a good view of all aspects of your new Shopify store.

3. Product title

Make sure there isn’t a gap between your customer’s eyes and the product title in the main image because your customer won’t see it properly otherwise. Make sure the title is centered and is big enough for a person to read from a reasonable viewing distance.

4. Product price

Make sure the product price contrasts with the background of your main image so that it’s easy to see. You should write your prices using a bold font or an outline around it. Keep in mind that if you use an outline, black text on a white background will always look best. If you use an image as your background, try to make it lighter than the rest of the surrounding images in your store design template so that customers can read your product descriptions correctly from their desired viewing distance.

5. Product description

Make sure your product descriptions are not only interesting and informative, but also that they’re easy to read. If you have more than 4 paragraphs of text, use short paragraphs (4 to 8 lines). Try to keep the amount of colored text to a minimum in the main product image, because it will make your store design template look cluttered.

6. Natural colors

As much as possible, try to stick with colors that you feel comfortable having around your customers. Colors can directly affect how people feel in a certain situation and may reduce or increase their desire to buy a product. You can read more about this here.

7. Alignment

Make sure your product image is aligned with the top and bottom of the screen in your Shopify store design template. If you have a rectangular thumbnail and your product title is in the middle, make sure that it’s centered on the screen.


To sum up, you have to provide high quality product images. Your customers will react better to them and are more likely to buy the products you are selling.

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