
How to Remove Rust From a Car on Your own?

Every car owner must have seen what a simple spray paint job to a poorly processed surface can lead to. After some time, such paints will manifest themselves in all the subtleties, providing an ugly view to the car.

Generally, corrosion begins to manifest itself at the point of contact between metals. In the case of a car silencer, it is treated with anti-corrosion solutions, but all the same, corrosion penetrates right through. This confirms that the surface application technology has not been correctly followed. In addition, you can immediately notice the difference in the places where they were covered with epoxy primer, there is no rust here.

For those parts where there are holes from the manufacturer side, for example, there is no point in cleaning or trying to restore them on the arches above the wheels. The solution to fix these kinds of problems is the only replacement or asking for help from a reputable car service centre in Pune.

Anti-corrosion treatment for car fender

A car wing is always in contact with natural elements, which increases its chances of getting infected with corrosion. In any used car fender, you can notice the manifestation of corrosion in the place of contact with another part. It is often spread out to the usual laziness of car owners to remove and process the wing. To provide long life to your car wings, you must treat them with good paint, saving them from further corrosion.

However, after a month or two, you may start noticing corrosion again. This can be due to either the metals being summed up or the repairs are performed poorly by the local mechanic. But in fact, the reason can be different: you can see that corrosion begins to appear outward from the inside. So, before starting the treatment of the front part of the wing, it is always essential to first process the source of corrosion.

How to remove rust from car fenders?

Car owners usually face the problem of the appearance of rust on the surface. There can be several reasons:

  • the car is placed in a moistened garage;
  • poor cleaning;
  • breaking of the general rules for caring for a car.

Corrosion forms in the lower part or underwing surface of the car. You can easily remove them by providing appropriate car care or by contacting the online car service in Pune.

If you own a BMW and require genuine parts for rust repair or any other maintenance needs, make sure to inquire about the availability of BMW genuine parts at the car service center for optimal performance and quality.

Types of damage:

Before removing corrosion damage from any car, it is worth finding out the cause. There are five types of rust:

  • Cosmetic rust is manifested in the areas of contact of car parts with the body (lights, mouldings and a radiator grill);
  • Sub-film occurs in the lower part of the coating and is a pronounced defect (the paint may turn into bubbles);
  • The through type. They are formed in the final stage of corrosion – holes appear that spoil the metal;
  • Point damage destroys the inner layer of the car’s surface;
  • Rust spots can cover most of the body and wing of the vehicle, and it is recommended to remove them at the early stage of their development.

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