Casares Festivities and Culture
Casares’ fiestas are highly vibrant and customary. The town’s patron saint, the Virgin of Rosario, is honored on several occasions each year, including one celebrated during the first week of September and commemorated by dancing the highly distinctive “casareno” folk dances that are unique to this region of Andalusia.
When you buy any beautiful property for sale Casares, you can view the colorful processions of street carnivals or cultural exhibits. Some festivals include
Reyes Procession
On the evening of December 5, the three Magi will parade around the town atop floats that have been themed and adorned accordingly. The Kings are accompanied by costumed assistants who hurl candy and gifts into the crowd (customarily, unruly children receive coal). For the youngsters to gain a better perspective of the kings riding on their thrones in their royal vehicles, some families even bring miniature step ladders or platforms, especially in larger towns and cities with greater crowds.
Fiestas of Bonfires
Sardines and chorizo (a spicy sausage) are barbecued over the fires during the festival of bonfires, which pits the neighborhoods of each municipality against one another to see who can create the largest fires. Casares residents clasp hands in a circle around the fire and sing while sipping wine. The town’s patron saint may lead processions the next day, and there may also be a celebration with local music.
Dia De Andalucia
This contemporary celebration and holiday honors the vote that granted Andalucia her independence in 1980. On Andalucia Day, the green-and-white flag is frequently painted on people’s faces, hanging from balconies, and flying from flagposts on town buildings.