
What are the different treatment options for women facing infertility? – Dr. Mohit Saraogi

Infertility affects many women deeply; the pain of not being able to conceive despite several attempts can be a heart-breaking experience. If you are facing issues with fertility, there are several options of treatments for you.

In this article, Dr. Mohit Saraogi, one of the best gynecologists and obstetricians in Mumbai, will be sharing some of the infertility treatments. He has over 13 years of experience in IVF and has been working at Saraogi Hospital, which is acclaimed to be one of the best IVF centres in Mumbai.

Below you will be reading about the different types of treatments for infertility.

1. IVF (In-Vitro-fertilization)

IVF is a procedure where eggs are retrieved from the ovaries and then fertilized by sperm in the lab. The fertilized egg or eggs (embryos) are transferred into the uterus by the doctor. The best quality eggs that meet certain eligibility requirements are essentially permitted to naturally fertilize with washed sperms in special media at a controlled temperature and pH level. The successfully developed embryos undergo daily evaluation, and the best ones are ultimately implanted under sonographic guidance into the uterine cavity. 

Pregnancy success rates following this surgery are significantly greater. Saraogi hospital, which is one of the top IVF centre in India,  provides one of the best IVF treatments. IVF is the most successful type of assisted reproductive technology. A couple’s eggs and sperm may be used in the operation. A known or unknown donor’s eggs, sperm, or embryos may also be used during IVF.

2. IUI (Intrauterine insemination)

Dr Mohit Saraogi, top infertility specialist and gynecologist says,  IUI(Intrauterine insemination) is a procedure where sperm is inserted inside your uterus near the fallopian tubes. This makes it easier for the sperm to travel toward the egg.

IUI procedure is done when the woman is ovulating. The doctor will provide medications to stimulate ovulation. By raising the quantity of healthy sperm that enter the fallopian tubes when the woman is most fertile, this treatment seeks to increase the chances of conception.

During IUI, your doctor will initially implant a speculum to see your cervix (the opening to the uterus) during the procedure, much like a Pap smear. The last semen sample will then be inserted into your uterus using a tiny tube that has been specifically created for IUI.

The procedure is usually painless and takes a few minutes. Mild cramping and spotting may occur for one to two days after the treatment.

3. Oocyte retrieval.

Oocyte retrieval is a procedure to remove eggs from the women’s ovaries. Ultrasonography tracks the development of follicles (which contain eggs) every day. It is a dynamic process since the dosage of the medications and injections must be changed daily based on how the woman responds to the medications. The amount and dosage of injections cannot be predetermined because each woman’s ovary responds differently.

During the procedure, the doctor locates your ovaries using ultrasound and then inserts a needle( the needle is connected to a suction device and test tube) into the follicles that contain eggs and pulls the eggs into the test tube. The procedure takes 30-60 minutes to complete.

4. COS procedure – Controlled Ovarian Stimulation

COS is a procedure where you are given medications (drugs) to stimulate your ovaries to produce more follicles. This process is helpful to women who do not have timely ovulation.

Serial ultrasonographic monitoring can be used to track the development of follicles that contain eggs. The period of conception can be predicted with this monitoring, and prompt measures can be taken as needed to aid conception (timed intercourse/IUI). Dr Mohit says that Saraogi hospital, one of the best IVF centres in Mumbai provides COS procedure for IVF.

5. Embryo Transfer

Embryo transfer is the process of taking the fertilized sperm and eggs and inserting them into the woman’s uterus. Embryo transfer is the last step of IVF( In vitro fertilization). The procedure for an embryo transfer is comparable to that of a pap smear. To keep the vaginal walls open, the doctor will use a speculum within the woman’s vagina.

The doctor will then insert a catheter through the cervix and into the womb using ultrasonography to ensure precision. The embryos are transported through the tube and into the womb.

The speculum is placed or having a full bladder, which is necessary for ultrasonography, may cause discomfort in some women. The procedure takes only a few minutes, and the bladder can be emptied immediately. Rarely do sedatives need to be used, and the process is typically painless.


In the above article, Dr Mohit Saraogi has given an insight on the different types of procedures to treat infertility. Make sure that you discuss with your doctor and be well-informed with whatever treatments that you are going to opt for.

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