
Understanding RTP and Volatility – What it Means for Online Game

Online slots are a fun and exciting way to play casino games from the comfort of your own home. With so many online casinos to choose from, it can be overwhelming trying to pick the right place to play. Two important factors to understand before spinning those reels are RTP and volatility. RTP, or return to player, refers to the percentage of wagered money a slot machine pays back over time. 

A higher RTP indicates better odds for the player. Volatility describes the risk profile of a slot, or how often and how large wins will be. Lower volatility slots provide smaller but more frequent payouts, while high volatility slots feature less frequent but much bigger wins. Knowing what these terms mean will help you pick the types of online slot machines that best fit your style and preferences. Ready to give those reels a spin? 

Let’s jump into our main topic and learn more about RTP, volatility, and how understanding these concepts will improve your online slots experience at trusted sites like

RTP is returned to the player

RTP, or return to player, refers to the percentage of wagered money a slot machine is designed to pay back to players over time. This number represents the house edge and profit margin for the casino. A higher RTP indicates better odds for the player. Most reputable online slots have an RTP of 92-97%. This means that for every £100 wagered, £92-£97 on average will be paid back to players in winnings. While luck plays a role, choosing slots with a higher RTP gives you a better chance long term.

Volatility is the risk level

Volatility describes the risk profile of a slot game and how often and how large wins will be. Lower volatility slots provide smaller but more frequent payouts. You’ll hit winning combinations more regularly to maintain balance, but jackpots and bonus features will be smaller. Higher volatility slots feature less frequent but much bigger wins. You may experience longer dry spells but when you do hit a win, it can be a significant amount. Volatility comes down to personal preference – some enjoy the steady drip of small wins while others prefer chasing massive jackpots.

High volatility means bigger wins 

If you want a chance at life-changing jackpots, high-volatility slots are the way to go. The wins don’t come around as often, but when they hit, they can be huge. We’re talking hundreds of thousands or even millions in some cases! The trade-off is that the dry spells in between wins can be long – you may spin for a while before landing a decent payout. High volatility is best for players who have a sizeable bankroll and high-risk tolerance. A budget-friendly volatility game may be better if you’re playing with limited funds.

Low volatility means smaller wins

Low volatility slots offer more frequent but generally smaller wins. Instead of holding out hope for that elusive massive jackpot, you’ll steadily accumulate smaller prize amounts. Low-volatility games typically feature higher RTP percentages as well. If you’re playing online slots primarily for entertainment value and don’t have a large bankroll, low-volatility games allow you to extend your playtime since you’re winning small amounts regularly. The downside is that the top prizes are capped at lower amounts.

Choose a game based on your preference 

When deciding on an online slot machine, consider your personal preferences on volatility. Do you want the excitement of chasing big jackpots with higher risk? Or would you prefer slowly building up your bankroll with smaller but more achievable wins? There’s no right or wrong – it comes down to your style, budget, and tolerance for risk versus reward. Trying out various volatility levels will help you learn what feels best for your goals and gameplay.

Understand the odds before playing

While slots are based largely on chance, taking time to understand the game rules, payout structure, RTP percentage, and volatility level allows you to make informed decisions. Don’t just start clicking spin – take a few minutes beforehand to study the paytable so you know your odds and potential prizes. Reputable online casinos provide RTP and volatility information so players know what they’re getting into. Never chase losses on slots with poor odds that overpromise and underdeliver.

Manage bankroll and risk 

Set a gambling budget based on what you can comfortably afford to lose, and stick to it. Never chase losses or exceed your bankroll limit hoping to win back money. Have a clear stop-loss point where you will walk away to avoid irresponsible gambling behavior. Take breaks and spread out play over multiple short sessions rather than one long one. Low-volatility games tend to be better for players concerned about bankroll management. High volatility slots can deplete funds quickly during cold streaks. Play responsibly within your means.

Learn and have fun playing

Approach slots as entertainment first and foremost – don’t expect to get rich quickly. Take time to learn the mechanics and differences between games so you can make informed selections. Focus on enjoyment over profits. Wins will come with continued play, but obsessing over payouts can ruin the fun. Experience a variety of RTP percentages and volatility levels to discover what suits you best. Online slots allow you to conveniently try many styles risk-free. Now that you understand key factors like RTP and volatility, it’s time to let the reels fly!


RTP and volatility describe important characteristics that affect gameplay and payouts in online slots. RTP represents the long-term payback percentage and house edge. Volatility indicates how high risk versus reward the slot’s payout structure is. Low volatility slots provide smaller but more frequent wins, while high volatility games feature bigger prizes less often. There’s no universally better option – it comes down to personal preference and bankroll. Taking time to learn these key concepts will help you make informed decisions when selecting online slot machines and improve your overall experience.


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