
Truck Accident Document Checklist: Everything to Show Your Lawyer

Truck Accident

A car or truck accident is a stressful and traumatic event. It’s even more trying and exhausting if you have decided to seek damages for your injuries. Get yourself off on the right foot by having all the documentation necessary to start your case.

Keep reading to find the truck accident document checklist you will need to show your lawyers in Townsville.

Your Insurance Policy

Your lawyer will need to see a copy of your vehicle insurance policy. This will help them determine what type of coverage you have and if there are any exclusions. If you don’t have a physical copy of your policy, your attorney can help you obtain one from your insurance company.

It’s important to keep all of your insurance up-to-date. If it is no longer valid, the other party could use this against you.

The Police Report

Police make a report when they visit the scene of the accident. The preliminary report explains what they believe to have happened and who they think is at fault. While this report is critical, it isn’t the be-all-end-all.

Your lawyer will examine the report and do their own investigation into it to gather more evidence. The court may toss out the police report altogether if there is enough evidence to support it’s not factual.

Photographs and Video

It is very important to take photos and videos of the accident scene. While the police on the scene may take photographic proof, you should as well.

Take as many as necessary to document the extent of the damage on your vehicle. You should also examine the road to see if there are markings that the court can use to prove you weren’t at fault. Take images of the weather conditions if they were to blame for the accident.

You might also consider taking photographs of the other driver’s vehicle. Insurance fraud costs over $40 billion per year so it’s not as rare as you might hope. These images can be used to show the damage done at the accident in case they try to commit fraud.

Medical Records & Bills

You will want to show medical records to your truck accident lawyers, too. The more detailed they are, the better it will be for your claim.

The records should indicate that you suffered an injury due to the accident. They should also prove that you needed treatment post-accident for your injuries. While your records may be expensive to retrieve, they can prove to be priceless in your truck accident case.

Your medical bills will provide your lawyers with the cost of your injuries and pain. Keep track of all of the providers you used in your treatment, including doctors, physiotherapists, and massage therapists. Your bills will show the responsible party’s lawyer and insurance how much compensation you require for your injuries.

Truck Accident Document Checklist

We hope our truck accident document checklist was helpful in making your personal injury case a bit easier. We know that lawsuits can be a long and exhausting process, but stick with it. Once you find the right truck accident injury attorney, you’ll be well on your way to getting what you deserve.

Keep reading our blogs for more helpful guides like this one.

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