
These are the strategic technology trends that matter in 2022

Technology solutions no longer play a purely supportive role in companies – they are now an important part of corporate strategy. In a time of upheaval, businesses must keep up with the latest technology trends and transform to survive. The use of robotics or augmented reality can help companies achieve their business goals in a variety of ways: satisfying target groups, increasing team efficiency or expanding the business into new markets. The task for companies in 2021 is therefore to build tech components into the existing business strategy, if they have not already done so.

  1. Streaming Services

It’s no secret that streaming services have taken over the modern world. It seems like everyone is using them, whether it’s for music, movies, TV shows, or even just staying up to date on the latest news. There are a lot of advantages to using streaming services, which is why they’ve become so popular.

One of the biggest advantages of streaming services is that they’re very convenient. You can access them from anywhere, whether you’re at home or on the go. All you need is an internet connection and you’re good to go. This means that you can listen to your favorite music or watch your favorite show whenever you want, without having to worry about finding a CD or DVD player.

As a live streaming platform, Twitch has become incredibly popular in recent years, particularly with the rise of electronic sports (eSports). Twitch allows gamers to livestream their gameplay, providing viewers with a front row seat to all the action. But it’s not just gamers who are using Twitch; the platform has also become a go-to destination for creative content creators, musical artists, and more. 

Twitch has become the best streaming platform to invest in. If you enjoy creating gaming content, you should buy Twitch live viewers.

  1. Cloud Computing and Data Processing at the Edge

According to a Forrester report, the increasing role of cloud-native technologies in business innovation is one of the trends that will accelerate digitization in companies in the coming year. Cloud services will remain the industry’s most important driver of digital transformation. According to Research and Markets, the global market will grow from $469.8 billion in 2020 to $1009.8 billion in 2025.

Cloud technology has become a fundamental tech stack for every type of IT solution – from mobile apps to smart devices. The integration of cloud components brings numerous advantages. These include access to data from anywhere in the world, the ability to back up and restore data and expand storage capacity, and cost savings compared to maintaining expensive systems and equipment.

However, compared to the more reliable alternative – edge computing – cloud computing has its limitations. Cloud technology works particularly well with a limited number of devices, but connected devices are entering the market at an exponential rate. A wave of new technologies like 5G will usher in a new era of massive data sharing. Statista predicts that by 2025 there will be 75 billion IoT devices installed worldwide, triple the 2019 level. At the same time, processing large amounts of data in the cloud requires significant investments.

Edge computing means building a distributed, decentralized network architecture. An intelligent combination of edge computing and AI technologies makes it possible to process data generated by devices locally or on the nearest server using AI algorithms. Vivid examples of AI-enabled edge devices include smart speakers, automotive systems, drones, and security cameras. According to a study by Frost & Sullivan, by 2022 90% of industrial companies will process data via edge computing.

“In the next three to five years, enterprises will change their cloud strategy to include more edge services from more providers and challenge market dominance of public cloud providers,” said Forrester.

  1. Deeper insights with the Internet of Behavior

The Internet of Behavior (IoB), which combines technology, data analysis and behavioral science, is one of the emerging trends. According to Gartner, half of the world’s population will be exposed to at least one IoB program by the end of 2025 .

With the IoB approach, companies can gain insights into user preferences and behavior. This enables solutions that focus on individual experiences, such as location tracking and facial recognition. This data helps create targeted advertisements, improve messaging strategies, and introduce new products and services. An example of a typical IoB solution is athletes wearing smart clothing. It measures your heart rate, daily step count and calories burned.

The Internet of Behavior enriches companies in many ways. For example, IoB solutions can be an alternative to customer surveys. By analyzing the data collected via wearable devices, intelligent digital signage and mobile applications, brands can make smarter predictions about customer preferences such as diet and travel destinations, and uncover employee behavior patterns. It is helpful to observe user behavior, which is changing significantly through social distancing and self-isolation. These patterns can be used to rearrange strategies, for example to switch from fingerprint scanners to facial recognition tools in access control.

  1. Zero Trust with Cybersecurity Mesh

Using Internet-connected devices carries the risk of cyberattacks and security breaches. A user has protected access to any digital environment with a cybersecurity mesh, which includes the organization of flexible, scalable and reliable security control.

This trend includes a zero trust framework , which literally translates to “never trust, always verify”. It requires users to authorize, authenticate and continuously validate their access rights. Multifactor authentication is one of the technologies behind this approach. ML algorithms and data analysis techniques help cybersecurity software vendors uncover security risks and prevent systems from being attacked. The number of cyber attacks will increase with the exponentially growing volume of data and the available datasets, requiring new investments and skills. The market for AI in cyber security is expected to reach $38.2 billion by 2026.

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