The Role of Google in Digital Marketing
As you may know, Google is the most widely used search engine on the planet. It’s also at the heart of a number of smaller sites, such as YouTube. So, if you’re not using Google and taking advantage of its useful services, you’re missing out on critical components of your digital marketing campaign.
Still thinking about the role of Google? Continue to read and you’ll know why Google is so important and why you need to integrate it to your digital marketing strategy as soon as possible.
Why is Google so important?
No matter in what industry you have a business, customers will search it on Google. That means, your digital marketing activities must be appropriate and on the same wave with Google if you want to be searched and led to your website. It can help increase your organic traffic and rankings, which will be converted into potential consumers over time, by developing and implementing online tactics with Google in mind.
Is it magic? No, it’s just Google with a lot of magical tools and apps which help digital marketers and other businesses to be promoted over the world and being investigated by only one click.
Furthermore you’ll know more about Google Algorithms, most common and useful tools for digital marketing and Google Ads, for sure.
The Google Algorithms
Google Algorithms helps users during the whole day by sorting hundreds of billions of pages in a couple of seconds, allowing you to find what you’re looking for. The Google search algorithm’s ranking systems are made up of a number of different algorithms. To make information more useful, search algorithms consider a variety of elements, including query keywords, page relevancy and usability, content quality, location, and configuration.
So before making your website available to Google, make sure you have considered all these elements to be “noticed” by Google Algorithm. Take a look at Google Algorithm update 2017 to know more about how it worked years ago and how it changed during years.
Tools, tools, tools
Google provides a variety of automation tools to freely organize and implement all the work related to digital marketing and then monitor the results, also using Google services. One of the wide-spread tools of Google for business is Google Analytics, which helps them to improve their web presence with high effectiveness. If you are creating a digital marketing strategy you just can’t ignore Google tools like Google Analytics, Google Ads, Google Shopping, Google Search Console and many others.
By the way, the majority of these tools are free to use, so it’s easier to use them and get the whole package of beneficial features. All these tools are providing insight information, a large data about users and other priceless information that will be definitely useful to strengthen your digital marketing positions on the search engine.
Google Ads
Google Ads or well known as Google Adwords is the world’s largest advertising network in terms of ad volume and investment. All of your digital marketing ad campaigns may be managed in one spot with a variety of features and filters to use and make the ad campaign more targeted and effective, especially when you’re selling services online. Google AdWords may help with ad planning, implementation, management, and after the end of the ad campaign, monitoring of the results.
When someone uses Google to search something, it’s either because they need something or they’re interested in something. While this user looks after the search results, due to Google Ads your business could appear in front of them with the solution they’re looking for.
Whether you’re a business owner or a digital marketer, you need to know that Google has a great significance in all the digital processes. Growing your business in online platforms takes a lot of time and effort, but with the advanced technology and tools of Google, you will get lots of benefits in terms of being more visible, succeed with marketing campaigns and engage more and more customers. The proper knowledge about Google’s role will implement all your business goals into a reality and take you to new heights.