
Technical Logistics & the Sectors That Rely on White Glove Providers

The world we live in is changing rapidly, thanks to the rise of digital development and with hi-tech equipment comes the need for specialised logistics, namely white glove solutions. This sector is growing rapidly, as more and more hi-tech equipment is deployed and for those who are about to leave school and are looking for rewarding career, white glove technicians make good money.

Business Sectors That Rely on Technical Logistics

The following sectors are in need of white glove logistics:

  • Banking & Finance – ATMs are installed and maintained by white glove technicians, as is other equipment such as note counters and anti-forgery devices. A bank’s security system might be managed by such a provider, who would have security clearance to work in the banking sector.
  • Retail – The complex barcode reading systems are set up and maintained by technical logistics teams, who are certified to work with the equipment. Anti-theft and CCTV systems are also under the umbrella of the white glove technician.
  • Fitness – The state-of-the-art fitness equipment you find in a city gym would be installed and maintained by the technical logistics firm and with demo Logistics from Rhenus Hightech, a leading UK white glove company, the client can test the equipment before committing to a purchase.
  • Healthcare – Almost all the hi-tech equipment found in a hospital would be the domain of technical logistics providers, who gain OEM certification that allows them to handle very technical equipment. MRI & CT scanners, X-Ray and ultrasound devices are included in the long list of medical equipment handled by specialised technicians.
  • IT Equipment – Data centres are the domain of white glove technicians, who can build and relocate data centres, enabling growing businesses to securely store all data. If a large national company wished to upgrade all office hardware, they would contact a white glove logistics company who have all the solutions; old hardware is recycled according to WEEE directives. The provider would install new hardware and configure LAN and even train employees on how to use the equipment. You might want to take out some hazard insurance to protect your business assets.
  • Mass Transportation – All access control systems are installed and managed by tech logistics teams and train ticket machines do breakdown often, so there would be a 24/7 number to call. Sports arenas are venues that need state of the art access control, which is provided by technical logistics firms. Click here for UK government information on mass transportation.
  • Reverse Logistics – When tech equipment has to be returned to the OEM or repaired off-site, the white glove team would first survey the site, to determine what is needed in terms of resources. This type of provider would have specialised transport, which is necessary to ensure safe transit, plus an arsenal of tools and devices to move large and complex equipment.

This industry is growing rapidly, as we introduce digital devices to replace mechanical machines and any time you need tech logistics, Google is your best friend.

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