
Maintenance Tips for Laboratory Incubators

Between 2017 and 2022, the market size for Laboratory Testing Services in Australia increased by 3.1% per year on average. Any Australian lab needs a scientific incubation device, but effective use and upkeep of the unit are necessary for dependable outcomes. Users probably want to avoid repairing or replacing the machine too frequently because some designs may be quite expensive. It is possible to ensure that the incubator/incubator in Australia functions appropriately for the application and has the most extended lifespan feasible by adhering to best practices for operating and managing it. Among these best practices are:

  • Set up the device correctly
  • Track the temperature
  • Track CO2 and moisture levels
  • Thoroughly clean the incubator frequently.
  • Recalibrating regularly

Set Up The Unit Correctly

The device can operate effectively and have little risk of contamination by being appropriately placed. The following elements should be taken into account while choosing the ideal location for the lab tables:

  • Avoid placing the incubator vents and doors that can let in impurities, which raises the possibility of fungus growth. Additionally, they may produce draughts that compromise your unit’s capacity to maintain a constant temperature.
  • Temperature swings and complications with anti-condensation characteristics can result from direct sunshine.
  • To allow for heat venting and easy access to cords and outlets, you must leave enough room (at least 3-inches) around the appliance.
  • Elevate floor incubators to reduce the chance of pollutants entering when the door is open.
  • Avoid being in moist, moist environments that could be home to fungus.

As disturbances can influence cell growth, keep units apart from agents of vibration like mixers, shakers, or freezers. One must ensure the appliance’s vicinity is as spotless as possible. A cleanroom setting with a constant temperature would be ideal for a laboratory incubator/incubator in Australia

Monitor Temperature 

Temperature variations may impede or even ruin cultural growth as Australia sees temperatures that go up to 35℃. Although temperature sensors are included in the devices, how do users know they can depend on them at all times? Installing a second thermometer is one approach to ensure the temperature is accurate. When using an incubator with a glass panel, users can read the temperature without opening the door by mounting a calibration thermometer inside the glass. Users can compare it to the degree of the sensor, and if they differ, the sensor ought to be recalibrated.

Tracking CO2 and humidity

A particular moisture level and, in some situations, a precise CO2 level are also necessary for cell cultures to thrive well. It is essential to constantly monitor these variables since cells and tissues are sensitive to shifts in them. The cell culture media may dissolve, or the medium may become overly concentrated if the moisture is too low. The liquid tray must never be in danger of water shortages if users want to maintain the humidity at the appropriate level, which is often around 95%.

Cleaning It Frequently

It’s possible that if the incubator is polluted, the outcomes will suffer. As a result, one should follow a tight cleaning routine for the laboratory

Following are some significant steps:

  • Users must always wear gloves when managing the containers that users will insert inside the device.
  • They must replace the liquid in the humidity pan at least once a week.
  • They must maintain regular cleanings of the moisture pans, chambers, racks, and all other detachable components. Disinfection or thorough sterilisation may be necessary, depending on the use. 
  • They must ensure that any cleaning solutions they employ won’t damage the cell cultures or rust the incubation chamber. For several applications, quaternary ammonium disinfectants are among the finest choices.

Regularly calibrate the temperature.

As mentioned above, temperature monitoring is essential, but thermometers must be regularly verified and recalibrated. The application will determine the specific schedule, but calibrating each month is a general rule. The device should additionally undergo a recalibration if validation shows that it is necessary and following unusual occurrences like a power interruption or spill cleanup.

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