
Lesser-Known Impact Of Camp Lejeune Contamination: Exploring The Wider Health Issues

If you or someone you love spent time at Camp Lejeune between 1953 and 1987, you’ve likely heard about the cancer risks from the contaminated water. But that’s just the start. The harm goes far deeper, impacting the brain and reproductive organs.

Researchers are finding links to ALS, Aplastic anemia, and even birth defects and childhood cancer in kids whose moms were exposed while pregnant. It’s scary stuff, and a lot of people are missing the connection.

This blog is all about uncovering those hidden risks of Camp Lejeune. It’s about being informed, so you can protect your health and get the help you deserve.

Beyond The Presumptive Eight

When people hear “Camp Lejeune,” they often think of cancers like Leukemia, cervical cancer, brain cancer, and other severe diseases, which you automatically presume are linked to the contamination. But there’s a whole list of other conditions the VA covers for healthcare if you served there.

Breast Cancer:

Too many think this is just a women’s disease.  It’s NOT.  Men get breast cancer too, and Camp Lejeune increases the risk.

Esophageal Cancer:

Heartburn? Chalk it up to bad food choices. Trouble getting food down? These symptoms could mean esophageal cancer, one of the ones the VA covers for Camp Lejeune exposure.


Losing a pregnancy is devastating, often with no clear cause.  But for women who spent time at Camp Lejeune, a link is possible.

Lung Cancer:

Yes, smoking is the major risk factor, but it’s not the only one.  Camp Lejeune exposure matters!  That persistent cough, any shortness of breath… get it looked at, especially if you were at the base.

Kidney Cancer:

Lingering back or side pain that won’t go away could be a kidney issue.  If you have Camp Lejeune in your past, those symptoms need urgent attention, as kidney cancer is on the list.

Female Infertility:

Struggling to get pregnant for years? Don’t just accept that it’s your age or a fluke. If there’s any Camp Lejeune connection, look for doctors who’ll dig deeper.

Hepatic Steatosis:

That’s the fancy term for fatty liver disease. Often there are NO symptoms at first, but then major problems surface.  Fatigue, unexplained weight change… these warrant exploring any Lejeune link, as early treatment matters.

And that’s just the start. Scientists are looking at even more connections – things like autoimmune problems where your body attacks healthy cells, tissues, and organs. Birth defects in kids born to exposed women, and even less obvious things like chronic fatigue. The point is, if you spent time at Camp Lejeune, don’t dismiss any health issue as “just getting old” or unrelated.

What This Means For You And Your Family

If you’ve spent at least a month at Camp Lejeune, any health problem you have deserves a closer look – even if it seems minor or unrelated. Don’t let doctors give you quick answers like “that’s just your age” or “it runs in the family.” Push them to consider the contamination.

The recent Camp Lejeune Justice Act means you might be entitled to a payout for Camp Lejeune to help cover the huge costs of these illnesses. While money doesn’t undo the harm, it’s about holding those responsible to account and getting the resources you need.

Don’t go it alone. TorHoerman Law notes that experienced law firms understand the science behind these illnesses and can help you navigate the legal processes, whether it’s filing a claim or taking your case to court.

Every ache, every odd lab result – get those records! Even stuff from years back could be crucial. The VA’s list of what’s connected keeps expanding. Those old files might be the key to getting the care and benefits you’ve earned.

You’ve faced the hard truths about Camp Lejeune. Now what to do next? Start by checking if you’re eligible for benefits. If you have one of the presumptive or covered conditions and served at Lejeune, your path should be easier. But even if you don’t, it’s worth exploring, as things change.


How many people were affected by Camp Lejeune contamination?

It’s estimated that more than one million people were exposed to contaminated water at Camp Lejeune between 1953 and 1987. This includes military personnel and their families, and civilian workers who lived or worked on the base.

What neurological disorders are caused by Camp Lejeune water contamination?

Research shows strong links between Camp Lejeune contamination and neurological disorders like Parkinson’s disease, neurobehavioral effects, ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease), and ADHD.

How did Camp Lejeune contamination affect humans?

Contaminated water at Camp Lejeune caused cancers. These included leukemia, kidney cancer, and liver cancer. It also causes Parkinson’s disease, birth defects and infertility. Health problems can occur to people years later. They affect those stationed at Lejeune and their families.

How was the contamination at Camp Lejeune discovered?

In the early 1980s, the Marine Corps discovered high levels of toxic chemicals in wells supplying the Tarawa Terrace housing area. Further testing revealed contamination in other base wells, caused by leaking fuel tanks, improper disposal by an off-base dry cleaner, and other on-base spills. The contaminated wells were finally closed in 1985, but the full scope of the damage was not immediately known or shared with the public.

Ending note. If you’re reading this, and Camp Lejeune was part of you or your family’s history, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed.  Maybe you don’t have one of those big-name illnesses, or your claim has been denied before.

Don’t lose hope. The science behind this keeps evolving.  What we know now is just the tip of the iceberg.  Be your own health advocate: stay informed, question your doctors, and keep track of your medical records.

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