
How can I Remove Unwanted Facial Hair Permanently? | Dr. Manas Jain

Do you constantly place your hand on your chin in social situations due to visible facial hair? Please contact Dr. Manas Jain, a hair transplant specialist in Mysore, for an effective solution.

How can I Remove Unwanted Facial Hair Permanently?

Excessive facial hair is among the most uncomfortable things a woman can have. Hirsutism is the term given to a condition characterized by excessive hair growth induced by androgen overproduction.

What may appear to be insignificant is a source of tremendous anxiety for many women, yet that is precisely what visible facial hair is to women: a series of contrasts. It is something that is both normal and odd. While it is natural and suitable for one gender, it can be highly unusual and uncomfortable for the other.

Dr. Manas Jain, the founder of Reniu Clinic, a state-of-art skin and hair clinic in Mysore, says that visible facial hair is not uncommon in women, contrary to what you may think. So do not worry; you are not alone.

Dr. Manas Jain is acclaimed for hair transplant in Mysore and also treated dermatological conditions has helped many women who wanted to get rid of their facial hair permanently.

What causes women to grow excessive or unwanted hair?

Some of the causes of hirsutism are:

  • PCOS (Polycystic ovarian syndrome): The most common reason is PCOS which usually starts with puberty and causes the level of androgens to rise, and makes your body more sensitive to them. Both genders produce androgens, but males produce more androgen. This ovarian disorder can also cause irregular periods and acne, among other conditions.
  • Cushing syndrome: This occurs when your body gets exposed to abnormally high levels of cortisol hormone. It can occur when your adrenal glands start producing excess cortisol or if you have been using medications like prednisone over a long period of time.
  • Congenital adrenal hyperplasia: A hereditary disorder where the adrenal glands produce abnormal amounts of steroid hormones, such as cortisol and androgen.
  • Tumors: In rare cases, a tumor that secretes androgen in the adrenal glands or ovaries can be the cause of hirsutism.
  • Medications: Hirsutism can be caused by some medications. These include rogaine minoxidil, danazol (used for endometriosis treatment), testosterone (Testim, Androgel), and DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone). If a person you are intimate with uses topical products that contain androgen, you may also get affected due to skin contact.

There are occasions when there is no evident cause.

What are the risk factors?

A number of factors can influence your chances of having hirsutism, including:

  • Genetics: Some conditions that can cause hirsutism, including polycystic ovary syndrome and congenital adrenal hyperplasia, run in families.
  • Ethnicity: Women of Middle Eastern, Mediterranean, and South Asian descent are more prone than other women to have excessive body hair for no apparent reason.
  • Obesity: Obesity increases the production of testosterone androgen, which can aggravate hirsutism.

How is hirsutism diagnosed?

Tests that detect the level of specific hormones in the blood, such as testosterone or similar hormones, can help the doctor figure out if high androgen levels cause your hirsutism.

Your doctor may also perform a pelvic exam and inspect your abdomen for lumps that could suggest a tumor.

How is unwanted hair treated?

There is no need to treat hirsutism if there are no signs of an endocrine issue. Treatment options for women who require or want treatment include treating any underlying disorders and adopting a self-care regimen for unwanted hair.

If that does not bring about the desired result, you can go for prescribed medications and alternative procedures after speaking with your healthcare professional.

Self-care methods need to be repeated regularly; they include:

Plucking to remove a few stray hairs with the help of tweezers or by threading. Shaving, which is a fast and inexpensive method. Waxing, where you spread warm wax over the affected area and pull it off when the wax hardens.

Chemical depilatories can be applied to dissolve the unwanted hair. Bleaching can lighten the unwanted hair and make it less noticeable. The eminent skin and hair specialist Dr. Manas Jain recommends that you try these methods in a small area first to check if your skin has an unpleasant reaction or is allergic to any product.

Medications include: Oral contraceptives to control and contain progestin and estrogen. Anti-androgens, such as spironolactone (CaroSpir, Aldactone), to prevent androgens from joining their receptors in your body. Topical cream, such as Eflornithine, to aid in slowing new hair growth.

Procedures include:

Laser therapy: A treatment that damages the hair follicles and limits hair growth by passing a laser beam (highly concentrated light) of a single wavelength across your skin. 

Electrolysis: A small needle is inserted into every hair follicle during this procedure. The hair follicle is damaged and subsequently destroyed by a discharge of electric current emitted by the needle. . This method has been approved by FDA as a permanent hair removal technique.

Although electrolysis is effective, it is also painful. A numbing cream applied to your skin before treatment may help alleviate any discomfort.

Please consult Dr. Manas Jain, a renowned doctor for hair transplant in Mysore, about which treatment is best suited for your skin.


Hirsutism can cause excessive facial and body hair and can be a long-term issue. This excess hair may appear from birth, but it can arise at any age due to changes in your body’s hormonal rhythms.

Hirsutism can be an emotionally draining condition. Unwanted hair makes some women feel self-conscious. Some people become depressed. Furthermore, while hirsutism itself has no health consequences, the root cause of a hormone imbalance can.

Do not allow unwanted facial hair to get you down! Yes, it is a reality, but it does not have to be obvious or even apparent! You have the power to make a difference. So seize the reins, get started on the road to a clearer face without unwanted hair, and enjoy the glow of smoother skin!

Dr. Manas Jain is among the leading hair and skin specialists in Mysore and can provide you with safe, reliable, and effective treatment options.

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