Home Improvement

House Snakes: 5 Steps to Take When You Find One in Your Home

Finding house snakes can feel surreal, scary, and even violating. Your home should be a safe and secure place. So, when an unwelcome creature slithers through, you could find yourself spinning. But, in most cases, house snakes aren’t harmful.

However, that doesn’t mean signs of snakes in a house should be ignored. If you find a snake in your house, you’ll need to stay calm and have an action plan in place. This helps eliminate the chances of injury.

This guide provides a 5-step action plan to tackle house snakes. So, the next time you spot a snake at home, you’ll know exactly what to do to secure your space and move on from the event. Read on to discover the best tips you need to learn and avoid snake-infested areas in the future.

What to do if you see a snake? If you encounter a snake, move any pets or people out of the way and avoid standing in the way of the snake’s escape route. DO NOT try to move it yourself.

1. Stay Calm and Collected

Studies show that high levels of stress can cloud judgment and weaken reactions. While seeing a snake in the house can be terrifying, keeping calm is vital. This ensures you’ll be able to follow through with the rest of the removal steps and avoid potential physical injuries or emotional overload.

2. Keep Watch

Snakes can be sneaky and move quickly. The creatures are notorious for slipping through small cracks and holes. And some species like the African house snake or black house snake may seek dark and hidden spots in your home.

If you see a snake indoors, it is important not to lose track. Keep watch and follow the snake’s travel pattern around the house. This ensures the snake will not borough in hidden areas like closets, under furniture, or other hard-to-reach spots.

3. Call In the Professionals

Do not try to remove the snake on your own. This could lead to injury. Call an animal removal specialist or animal protection service in your area.

A professional removal service will identify the snake and safely remove it from your property. Professionals may even be able to identify how the snake entered your home and help provide strategies to avoid this situation in the future.

4. Disinfect and Clean

After the snake has been removed from your home, disinfect and clean the affected areas. This ensures increased health and safety for your family.

House snakes could trace dirt and debris inside. A solid sweep and floor cleaning should do the trick.

5. Consider Reinforcements

What’s the first thing you’re thinking after seeing a snake in the house? This better never happen again!

Securing the perimeter and access point to your property can prevent snakes from entering your home. For example, this snake proof fence is an investment to keep your home safe.

Tackle House Snakes With This Action Plan

Next time you spot house snakes at home, this five-step action plan can help you remain calm and have a game plan. Remember that most house snakes may be harmless. But, these creatures can still wreak havoc and cause upset at home.

So, it’s important to call in the professionals for removal. And in the end, investing in reinforcements like a special fence can make a big difference.

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