
Cutting back on carbs

All good things, it may seem, are forbidden. Whether it be delicious brownies or loaded pasta, our mind craves for the ecstasy forbidden-foods bring, but our body reels from their impact, long after consumption. 

While for the otherwise healthy people, it does not hurt to indulge in these guilty pleasures every once in a blue moon, however, those suffering from diabetes cannot do anything but gaze, and perhaps, graze a little. 

Diabetes occurs when our body is not able to convert glucose to glycogen, due to which it runs amok in the blood stream, endangering the body in the process. 

Glucose is the basic block of carbohydrates, therefore, diabetics must control their carb intake alongside following instructions from their Internal Medicine specialist in order to control the blood sugar levels. 

Cut back on carbs

Cutting back on carbs is no mean feat. Most of our food is composite of starch. However, diabetics need to eat the good kind, mainly, one derived from natural foods like fruits and vegetables, and the whole grains. 

Moderate refined flour

Unlike whole grains, which are complimented by fiber that adds bulk and roughage, thereby controlling the carb content, refined flour is densely composed of carbohydrates. Therefore, one serving packs a lot of glucose and calories, as opposed to their whole-grain counter parts. 

Therefore, it is vital for the diabetics to moderate, or better yet, cut down, their refined flour intake. Get instead whole meal cereals, pastas, bread etc. 

Liquid sugar 

You might not be adding sugar to your tea and coffee but are you still drinking juices and carbonated drinks?
These fizzy drinks and juice taste so good, because they are packed with sugar. Moreover, sugar-sweetened beverages are also associated with higher risk of type II diabetes. 

Therefore, eliminate these sugary drinks from your life. Opt instead for refreshing alternatives like seltzers. 

Fresh juices

When gulping down glasses of fresh juices, you might think you are making healthy choices. Sadly, that is not true. 

Fresh juices without pulp are also full of fruit sugar, fructose, which then causes a spike in the blood sugar levels, which is something diabetics cannot afford. 

Better option would be eating the fruits instead. This way, you also eat the fiber, which prevents overconsumption of sugar by promoting satiety. It also adds bulk to your diet, promoting healthier bowel movements. 

High protein 

While cutting back on carbohydrates may not seem easy to you, proteins can help you in their endeavor. Proteins help in promoting satiety, therefore, help you get fuller from the meal. 

Moreover, due to the high thermic content of the proteins, body utilizes greater calories in digesting proteins. This then also prevents overeating, and weight gain, which are both not good for the health of the diabetics. 

Chuck out refined sugar 

Sugar is also the carb that taste oh-so-good, but in fact is oh-so-bad for your health. It is therefore recommended that you explore into sugar alternative sweeteners. 

One popular choice is stevia, which is derived from plant. According to research, stevia may also help in lowering blood sugar levels in diabetics. 

Another alternative is erythritol, which is a type of sugar alcohol. While it may taste like sugar, it does not affect the blood sugar levels. 

Non-starchy vegetables

While fresh fruits and vegetables, in moderation, are good for diabetics, however, it is recommended that they indulge more in the non-starchy vegetables that include artichokes, broccoli, carrots etc. 

Opt for good fats 

It is good for you to invest int healthy fats, like olive oil, nuts, fatty fish, that are good for the health. However, make sure that you cut back on the trans fats, that are bad for the body can lead to problems, that then merit a visit to the Best Internal Medicine Specialist in Karachi

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