
7 Tips That Operations Managers Can Use Today

Operations managers oversee all aspects of a company’s direction. In some ways, it’s a catch-all position. Therefore, they must know finance, marketing, human resources, and the company’s products or services.

Studies from the last decade show that multi-tasking isn’t optimal after all. They also say that it’s better to specialize than to become a jack-of-all-trades.

Nonetheless, companies need project managers who oversee operations daily. These professionals help executives keep their eyes on the bigger picture. Plus, they keep their fingers on the pulse of profitable trends.

To succeed as an operations manager, use key performance indicators strategically. Professionals encourage managers to improve processes before automating them.

We outline seven tips that operations managers can use today to improve success.

1. Improve Communications

In business, several types of operations managers exist. Some are:

  • Construction
  • Business
  • Hotel
  • Healthcare

Each industry has communication protocols. For example, several laws oversee the healthcare industry. On the other hand, the construction industry has several regulations too. However, it has less bureaucracy overseeing it.

Nonetheless, improve your communication methods. Email remains the most used communication method among business professionals. Phone calls work too.

Once you pick the best communication methods, keep messages concise and to the point.

2. Focus on Efficiency

Companies hire operations managers to improve efficiency. Therefore, professionals must make it a priority.

List the areas that require attention more urgently. Then, conduct assessments. You might need to streamline some processes while changing team member roles in others.

For example, you can refer your company’s corporate travel manager to booking services such as Hotel Engine. The service can improve the booking process and free them up to build better vendor relationships.

3. Use KPIs

Metrics have existed for several decades. In 2022, there is more to explore. Some to consider are:

  • Customer satisfaction
  • Employee satisfaction
  • Cost to acquire customers
  • Revenue growth
  • Order fulfillment time
  • Time to market

The goal is to optimize sales and keep costs low. KPIs can reveal interesting information and profitable opportunities.

If you need to help your marketing department become more effective, ask them to employ additional digital marketing efforts. Then, they can measure social media engagement and the number of followers per channel.

4. Incorporate Software

Business software has touched all industries and has become a valuable tool. The software compiles reports, manages the sales pipeline, and optimizes marketing efforts.

Pick from accounting, customer relationship management, and database software. You can also find versions that cater to industries and combine several features.

Once you set up your preferences, you can load them to the Cloud and assign roles for company members. Then, it becomes a centralized collaboration platform.

Since it compiles reports, it’s a great method for measuring KPIs.

5. Stay Abreast of Industry Trends

The business world has experienced disruption over the last decade, and technology is behind much of it.

If you work in agriculture, you also have the weather to contend with.

Successful operations managers stay abreast of industry trends. Start by subscribing to industry magazines and publications. They allow you to check in on your peers and their research.

Peer research, studies, and findings might not impact your company directly. Instead, it might spark a better way of completing tasks that have your hair on fire.

6. Keep Things Simple

As you incorporate software and technology into your business routine, avoid getting lost in jargon and the technical side of the business. Instead, keep things simple.

KPIs and business reports deliver a lot of data. The healthcare industry has proven that too much data does exist. The switch to electronic healthcare records created so much information that the field didn’t know what to do with it.

More importantly, they didn’t have the tools to decipher it.

When you collaborate with other departments and their teams, they must understand your instructions. Managers might need context, but team members need to know the goals and how to accomplish them.

7. Focus on the Customer

The Japanese believe in continuous improvement or Kaizen. If you must change continually, ensure that it benefits the party who creates revenue – the customer.

There are two types of customers – business and consumer. Through KPIs, you can measure their satisfaction. You can also calculate how to optimize revenue per customer without alienating them.


Operations managers must always keep the big picture in front of them. With software, it’s easier to help departments streamline their processes. Use KPIs to your advantage and keep things simple while focusing on the customer.

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