
6 Tell-Tale Signs It’s Time for an Assisted Living Facility

Are your parents aging faster than you expected?

If so, you’re not alone.

The aging process sneaks up on the best of us. But one day you will likely wake up to discover that your elderly parents are no longer able to take care of themselves. These moments aren’t easy to deal with, but they shouldn’t be ignored.

The decision to find an assisted living facility for a loved one can be challenging and stressful. Especially when your elderly parent is accustomed to enjoying total independence.

This article takes a look at signs that it’s time to consider a senior living community in order to provide the level of care they need and deserve. Keep reading to learn more.

1. Rapidly Declining Health

One of the biggest reasons most people begin looking for a senior living community for aging parents is health. After all, elderly loved ones typically start experiencing serious health issues, especially when they reach a certain age.

Make no mistake, caring for an aging loved one can be stressful and heartbreaking. The challenge becomes even more painful as health problems begin to significantly impact their quality of life.

The key is to start looking for an assisted living facility sooner rather than later so they can receive the proper care they need.

2. No Longer Able to Live Alone

Most people prefer having an independent lifestyle. This includes living in their own home, maintaining whatever schedule they prefer, and having the freedom to make choices throughout their day.

But the ability to maintain independence will become nearly impossible as a person ages. There are simply too many things that can go wrong. Accidents happen, they are no longer able to feed themselves, or they can no longer afford full-time help at home.

3. Exhibiting Signs of Dementia

Nothing is sadder than when the mind begins to deteriorate. An aging person might forget the names and faces of family members. They might forget where they are or how to perform basic daily tasks like brushing their teeth.

When an elderly person begins exhibiting signs of dementia, it’s crucial to take immediate action.

Here’s a resource where you can learn about medical eligibility in Arizona.

4. Recent Falls

Has your loved one been falling more and more? Even a minor fall can cause serious injuries, thus they shouldn’t be allowed to live alone.

5. Inability to Manage Medications

As your parents begin to age, they will need medications to stay healthy. Once they reach the point of no longer being about to manage their meds, it’s time to make sure they receive full-time care.

6. Decreasing Mobility

The ability to move around the house is something most of us take for granted. And yet this is an essential part of living alone.

Signs That It’s Time for an Assisted Living Facility

Everyone wants to stay young and healthy forever. And yet no one escapes Father Time. Fortunately, this guide to understand when to put your loved one in an assisted living facility will help make the aging process a little more pleasant.

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