5 Relaxation Enhancers That Helps Relieve Stress And Improve Health
In modern times when people, men and women alike, indulge in hectic lifestyles like working overtime daily; stress is apparent. Back from 2019 to 2020, statistics show that stress levels among different demographics around the world (read more) had skyrocketed. Stress may not be considered a grave health problem, but it can contribute to the development of certain illnesses or may even cause them.
People’s heightened levels of stress these past few years calls for attention on a global scale!
Now, we already know that relaxation is the best way to relieve stress. There are many different techniques that you could search online that can help you get your body to a relaxed state. But what if I tell you that some techniques may not work on their own? In this article, we will talk about certain enhancers that could boost relaxation and effectively relieve stress.
What Is Stress?
Stress is our physiological response to external or internal disturbance; it aims to bring our body back to homeostasis (state of equilibrium). Our brain signals our endocrine system to release stress hormones that put us in a state of “fight or flight.” This temporary state enables us to cope with certain situations, whether it affects our body or our mind. Stress hormones can affect our body in a positive or negative way, depending on which of the two types are triggered: distress and eustress.
The Two Types Of Stress:
- Distress: Has negative effects on our body and mind, like lack of concentration and exhaustion. It is triggered by negative situations like the death of a loved one or getting laid off from work.
- Eustress: This type positively impacts our productivity and helps in maintaining a good mood. Positive events like winning a lottery trigger eustress.
The Importance Of Relaxation
Stress affects our emotional, physical, and mental well-being. It could also affect how we react to situations and how we behave generally. Because of this fact, relaxation becomes essential not just for us, but also for our family, friends, coworkers, and our work. Over time, we may develop some symptoms of stress like headaches, dizziness, discomfort or tension on our napes, “burnout” feeling, and insomnia. With effective relaxation, we can get rid of these symptoms and improve our well-being.
Since stress is unavoidable, the best way to deal with it is to manage them. Luckily for us, there are many techniques to relieve stress that we could try out! Here are some of the best examples you could do at your home:
- Meditation
- Breathing exercises
- Read books or watch entertainment videos; and
- Taking a warm bath
Here Are Some Relaxation Enhancers You Have To Try Out
1. CBD
CBD is the acronym for the compound called cannabidiol, and it can be found in cannabis plants. This compound is legal of use despite its sources. It has a sister compound named THC or tetrahydrocannabinol which is abundant in marijuana. But compared to THC, which is illegal in most states, CBD is non-addictive and enhances the relaxation of the mind and body. It also has proven health benefits.
Manufacturers have developed many forms of CBD to consume them in different ways. Manufacturers like Cheefbotanicals remedies have CBD gummy bears, hemp flowers, vape cartridges, oils, and paste available. Try using the CBD while relaxing on your porch and see the results for yourselves.
2. Scented Candles
Scented candles are clinically proven to soothe our minds. Our sense of smell is powerful enough to impact our brain activity depending on what we smell. Sniffing the scent stimulates the part of our brain where our memories are stored and manages our mood. The aroma improves our mood by soothing our mind and ultimately relaxes it.
Because scented candles are small, you can carry them around the house, so try using them while taking your warm bath or doing some breathing techniques. You could also use them while doing some chores like folding your shirts, organizing the house, or cleaning the dishes. Some scents have a specific effect on our brain, so here are some examples of candles for relaxation:
- Orange
- Lavender
- Sandalwood; and
- Vanilla
3. Music
Music can be your standalone relaxation technique but can also be an enhancer. Just like our sense of smell, our hearing is also powerful and impacts our brain activities. Not only it affects our mind but also our body. The music slows our heartbeat, steadying our pulse, and decreasing the number of stress hormones present in our body.
Combining music with other techniques can deliver effective stress relief. Try combining warm baths and music; that almost guarantees stress relief in a short timespan. You could also do some yoga with music or even relaxing on your couch.
4. Listening To Podcasts
This enhancer may not be for all people, but it is still effective. Podcasts are series of episodes of audio files of people that talk about different topics. It can be informative, entertaining, or both depending on which podcast you are listening to.
Podcasts alone can be boring if you are not doing something else aside from listening to it. But on the contrary, it can be relaxing to listen while hiking, taking a shower, stretching, or even doing household chores.
5. Reclining Chairs
This enhancer might come as a surprise to many of you, but trust me, this is very effective. According to a study, recliner chairs help relieve back pain (link: https://www.webmd.com/back-pain/news/20061129/back-pain-eased-by-sitting-back) that is caused by sitting upright for a long time. Pain is a source of stress and removing it can greatly help you to relax.
But besides the pain, recliner chairs rejuvenate our body greater than sitting upright. It removes the strain from your spine and the pressure on your gluteus maximus (butt muscle) relieving body stresses. Reclining chairs could also help relax the mind by making us feel afloat and could put a person to sleep!