
5 of the Most Common Personal Injury Cases

Personal Injury Cases

The World Health Organization reports that personal injury accidents claim the lives of over 3 million people every year. In the US alone, almost 40 million personal injuries occur every year. The legal system helps accident victims recover their costs for medical expenses.

If you need to file a legal claim, check out this article on how to know if you have a personal injury case. We’ll highlight the five most common accident types that occur every day. If one of these sounds like your circumstances, then you should file your claim right away.

What’s a Personal Injury Case?

A personal injury case happens when you’ve been injured as a result of someone else’s fault or carelessness. The legal system will help victims recover their medical expenses with the help of personal injury lawyers.

Auto accident cases aren’t the only kind of personal injury case in the courts today. Personal injury lawsuits can range from medical malpractice to accidents on the job. Here’s a closer look at these case types.

1. Wrongful Death

A wrongful death lawsuit is an all-encompassing category that covers the ultimate loss in a personal injury case. These case types identify defendants responsible for causing someone’s death.

The death must occur through either the defendant’s negligence or recklessness. The victim’s heirs become the plaintiffs in the lawsuits eligible to file a claim.

Wrongful death claims can arise out of a range of different situations. These circumstances can range from vehicle accidents to death during supervised activities.

2. Medical Malpractice

Medical malpractice defines situations when health care professionals fail to order the correct medical treatments for their patients. Medical malpractice applies when the patient’s treatment results in trauma, impairment, or death. In this case you need the support of a Dublin medical negligence solicitor.

Medical malpractice ranges from misdiagnosing the patient’s condition to releasing them from the hospital too early. The Institute of Medicine estimates that over 400,000 patients died last year due to medical malpractice.

3. Motorcycle Accidents

Another type of moving vehicle accident is a motorcycle accident. A motorcyclist is five times more likely to receive injuries in an accident than a car passenger.

These stats are troubling, considering that there are more than 8 million motorcycles on US roads today. One in every 36 persons has one.

4. Slip and Fall

A slip and fall injury occurs after someone trips or losses their balance. Slip and falls injuries aren’t always caused by another person. Problems arise when public areas are left in hazardous conditions where someone could get hurt.

Business owners have to ensure safety on their property. They must warn visitors of any known hazards that the visitors might not see or know about.

5. Worker’s Compensation

Worker’s compensation laws guarantee employees injured on the job will receive reimbursement to pay their medical expenses. Most states require businesses to have a worker’s compensation insurance policy to pay for their injured workers. US companies can’t operate until they’ve secured this type of liability plan.

Worker’s compensation injuries can range from injuries sustained from heavy equipment to assault from a co-worker on the job site. All US states have their own worker’s compensation laws.

What Are Your Next Steps?

If you’re ready to file a personal injury case, then hiring a personal injury lawyer could be the smartest move you can make. They’ll share their legal advice. They’ll guide you through legal system proceedings like hearings or settlement negotiations. Contact one of these professionals today and you’ll get the best outcome you can for your case.

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