Home Improvement

5 Key Tips for a Smooth Office Relocation

Are you looking to move your company to a location that can sustain your rapid growth? Do you wonder what the quickest and most efficient method is for moving offices? If so, then you need to learn all you can about making moves as seamless as possible for switching offices.

Doing so can help you get into your new space without disturbing your business operations. Your clients won’t wait for you to get comfortable in your new digs, you have to hit the ground running.

See below for an in-depth guide listing the essential tips you need for smooth office relocation.

  1. Set the Parameters

If you want to create a smooth office relocation process, then it needs to cover all the bases. That means finding the right time, budget, and office for your needs. 

One of your biggest concerns should be finding a time to move your office without disturbing your business operations. As the old business proverb goes, “Time is money”, and if you’re burning through office hours moving your company, then you’re losing a lot of money.

That’s why it’s best to be preventative. Set a few parameters for yourself before the moving commences. What is a realistic budget that you and your company can stay between? 

Start to do a bit of research into the different professional moving companies you could hire. Which ones have experience/services with commercial moving? What are their prices? What all services come with that price? You can check out more info here to learn more.

Next, assess the business operations side of things. If your company doesn’t work on the weekends, then that’s going to be the best time for you to perform the move. It won’t affect your operations in any way and can help you get set up before the next business week begins. 

  1. Consider the Big Three

If you’re going to perform this move as efficiently as possible, then all essential parties need to be on the same page. Specifically, you need to make sure you’re communicating with your employees, the commercial moving company you hire, and your IT department.

First, start by brainstorming with the commercial moving company that you hire. Their experience and savvy may alert you to certain obstacles you may not have considered previously. When do they advise that you move? What items will be moved first? What items will they not haul to the next location?

Next, get your IT department on board with the move. What are the dates that you want everything up and running by? Does your IT team see that as an ideal timeline? Is there a time that would be more convenient for them to perform the setup? 

Also, be sure to ask what items they need to get everything connected. How can they coordinate with the commercial moving company to get all necessary hardware in the new location as quickly as possible? 

Lastly, take the time to communicate dates and locations with your employees. Some might even be willing to help you with the move, even if it’s taking place on a weekend.

  1. Create Moving Tiers

Perhaps your plan entails having the moving company all of the essential items first. Maybe you want to have them make multiple trips while you and your employees start installing items at the new location.

Whatever your plan is, you want to have established moving tiers. First, find out how much the commercial moving truck(s) can hold at one time. You can use that to figure out how many moving tiers (trips) it will require.

For example, you may decide that the larger items (such as desks, computers, printers, conference tables, and chairs) need to be in Tier 1. That way, you can set them up in the new office before tier 2—which includes all IT hardware—gets dropped off to be installed.

Setting up tiers and communicating them with your team can help you ensure the move takes as little time as possible.

  1. Communicate the Move With Your Customers

Earlier, we said the clients wouldn’t care about your move; that isn’t necessarily true. Any customer or client whose undergone a commercial move before will understand the adjustment that will take place.

Even if you don’t plan on the move providing any setback, make sure to alert your customers to the move. Give them specifics on when it will occur and whether or not operations will be affected.

This makes the conversation much easier if there is an unforeseen setback. It’s just a matter of finding your footing!

  1. Invest in Security for Your New Location

Depending on where you’re moving your office to, you may or may not have security already in place. Even if there’s trained staff, you may want to take extra precautions.

There are several pieces of essential business security that you should consider, such as alarms, sensors, access control, security cameras, power system backups, monitors, and more.

All of these tools will give you a stronger security system. The result will be more peace of mind and ensure that your items are safe and sound inside your new office location.

Making Moves: Use These Tips for a Seemless Move

Now that you have seen several useful tips on making moves and creating a smooth office relocation, be sure to use them to your advantage.

Take the time to browse our website for more articles on office relocations specifics, as well as many other topics that you will find interesting and helpful.

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