
5 Funding Strategies for Playground Renovations

As a member of your city’s recreation department or other development planning organization, it’s an important part of your job to ensure residents have fun spaces where they can interact. Playgrounds, especially, are essential for the social, physical, and emotional development of children. They’re natural gathering places that facilitate social interaction and imaginative play. They’re also safe spaces where parents can bring their children to have fun and expend excess energy in a trusted environment.

But what if your city’s play areas are too small for community needs, outdated, or have unsafe equipment? If this is the case, they’ll likely sit unused and unenjoyed. Some experts recommend renovating playgrounds every 8-15 years because playground plastic becomes brittle over time. If you’re working with a tight city budget and don’t know how to afford necessary renovations, don’t worry. Here are five strategies you can use to get the funding you need.

1. Community Fundraisers

Community fundraisers can be a great way to get the money you need to update slides, swing sets, and other playground equipment. People often love donating their time, efforts, and money when they know their sacrifices will directly benefit their community. Some great fundraiser ideas include community auctions, car washes, bake sales, and fairs. Consider inviting local businesses to donate items for auctions to generate excitement and participation.

Not all community fundraisers are well-attended. To make sure yours is a success, take time to market it effectively. Create flyers, put ads in local newspapers and radio stations, and make sure to hype up your event on social media. Do everything you can to get the word out so you experience a great turnout.

2. Corporate Sponsorships

Small businesses play an important role in their communities. They create local jobs, fuel growth, and preserve local heritage and culture. Local business owners often love to stay involved in community happenings and projects. Consider giving various business owners in your area the opportunity to sponsor upcoming playground renovations.

To sweeten the deal, offer recognition opportunities to any businesses that agree to a sponsorship. For example, you might include their names in advertisements and playground signage. You could also give participating businesses the naming rights to certain areas of the playground. These types of incentives greatly increase your likelihood of gaining corporate sponsorships.

3. Crowdfunding Campaigns

Crowdfunding is a great way to raise funds for community initiatives deemed worthwhile by the public at large. Platforms like Patreon, GoFundMe, and Kickstarter make it easy to raise money for specific causes. To get started, choose the platform you prefer, then use it to create your campaign. Make your story as compelling and interesting as possible to generate more attention. Explain why your community needs updated playgrounds and how the project will benefit local children and families.

Some people are afraid to donate to crowdfunding initiatives because they seem risky. You can reduce their fears by creating an “all-or-nothing” crowdfunding mode. This mode returns donations to donors if the project doesn’t raise the necessary amount of funds. You can also increase trust (and thus donations) by including a breakdown of how funds will be spent to improve the existing playground. Don’t forget to share your project on social media and encourage community members to spread the word.

4. Playground Grants

Many government, private, and nonprofit organizations offer grants for playground improvements. Popular grant options include foundation grants, community development block grants (CDBG), and corporate grants. If you’re approved for such a grant, you’re essentially getting free money to pay for your playground project initiatives. Search online for grant opportunities near you and apply for as many as possible.

Foundation grants come from private foundations committed to improving children’s education, health, and recreation opportunities. Community development block grants support various community development projects, including playgrounds. Finally, corporate grants come from corporations that are willing to donate funds for worthy local projects.

5. Collaborations and Partnerships

Local schools, organizations, and government agencies are often willing to leverage their resources to improve community gathering areas. You may be able to raise the funds for your playground renovation project by forging partnerships with one or more of these organizations. Be prepared to present a persuasive argument for the merits of your project, if you want to garner adequate support.   

You could also collaborate with your parks and recreation department to apply for funding and plan out the renovation details. You could even see if local schools want to use the playground equipment as part of their P.E. programs. If they do, you could partner with them to raise funds and set up a playground maintenance program. You may be surprised to discover how many organizations want to support and be involved in your renovation project.

Funding playground improvements takes time, energy, collaboration, and persistence. But your efforts will be well worth it if they result in a safe, inclusive, fun place for children to socialize and play. From crowdfunding campaigns to collaborations with local schools and other organizations, there are plenty of ways to collect the money you need for your project. Start planning your improvements today to make the future brighter for your community’s children.

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