

Getting (back) into the sport is good, but sticking to it over time is better! Here are our 4 tips to not lose motivation 🙂

To keep in shape, you bought yourself an exercise bike. Your fear: being very regular at the start but not being able to stick to it for a long time and end up giving up. Busy schedule, fatigue, unforeseen events…yes, everyday life can quickly take over and make us lose sight of our goals. Fortunately, there are tips for staying motivated all year round and not giving up, here they are!


When you want to integrate a new habit into your daily life, the key is to make room for it! Especially if you already feel like you can’t quit. Everything is possible with a good organization and don’t worry, you can learn it. 

To optimize your days, first, make an inventory to find out what you are “losing” time in. Then ask yourself if you can do it another way? For example, opting for shopping on the internet rather than in the store, cooking several meals in advance on Sundays, and going to your appointments by public transport rather than suffering traffic jams by car… In short, you get it. There are plenty of solutions to optimize your weeks and free up time for activities that you really enjoy. 

Once you have taken stock, schedule your best exercise bikes sessions in advance these are appointments just as important as the others, which it is essential to keep to in order to integrate sport into your life. And even if sometimes you have to force yourself a little, the well-being during and after your session will motivate you! Both mentally and physically, practicing sport regularly quickly becomes a need 🙂


Nothing is more motivating than concrete goals! Getting back into shape on a daily basis, traveling by bike, reducing cellulite or losing weight, a bike race… With sport and in particular the exercise bike, there are plenty of challenges. What are yours? 

Once defined, they must be specified. Replace a bike trip with a week of cycling with friends on the roads of Brittany; lose weight by losing 3 kilos, being able to travel a lot of kilometers by doing 60 km a week, etc. Clear and concrete objectives make you want to surpass yourself and be diligent because you know why you are pedaling! 


Who doesn’t want to take care of their health? At a time when we are increasingly sedentary, the first to pay the price is our body.

The best magnetic spin bikes is a option to fight it and stay dynamic without even having to leave your home. If you want to resume physical activity and stay in shape, 30 minutes at moderate intensity 3 times a week is more than enough. Over the course of the sessions, you will regain dynamism and energy and your body will thank you for it!

Beyond your body, sport is also beneficial to your mind. During your session, you reduce your stress and boost yourself. Soothing and energizing, you finish your training with a warrior state of mind!


Last but not least: recovery. By wanting to do too well, we sometimes add obstacles. Training every day thinking that you will reach your goals faster is a mistake. Think of the exercise bike as a marathon, not a sprint. There is no point in practicing intensely for a month and then giving up. 

If you train too much, you will become disgusted with this sport and in addition, you will prevent muscle reconstruction. However, for any athlete, the recovery phase is essential. It allows the body to adapt, progress, and reduce the risk of injury. So we forget the daily training and we consider the exercise bike over time. Need to be guided? Follow one of our programs!

Why buy an exercise bike?

  • Training at home: ideal when the weather conditions are not favorable!
  • Save time: no wasted time going to the gym, the bike is at home!
  • Carry out qualitative training: no need to pedal for several hours to take advantage of an indoor cycle, a few tens of minutes is enough to do an effective session!
  • Improve your cardio: this fitness equipment allows you to solicit the cardiovascular and respiratory system without having to leave your home.
  • Carry out intensive training without risk of injury: pedaling is a fluid movement that preserves the joints and the back, ideal for overweight people who wish to make sustained efforts.
  • Train regularly: when you have the equipment at home, it is easier to train regularly. And if you lack motivation, you can always stand in front of the TV and pedal to the rhythm of catchy music!

Who is the indoor cycle for?

Whether you are new to sports or just starting your summer physical preparation, the exercise bike can be an excellent fitness tool for developing your physical abilities. Compared to running, cycling is a smoother activity because there is no shock. Like the elliptical trainer, the risk of injury is reduced. Young or old, you can therefore practice indoor cycling without worry. I hope this guide will help you to choose best thing for you.

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