Some Useful Tips For Installing Your Mantel
A fireplace mantel can be installed in numerous ways. All the coasters are made to your specification and custom-made to order. Chimneys weigh on average about 100 pounds or less in the length of up to six feet. But a few hundred pounds may weigh the longest and thickest chimney stacks. If you cannot complete the coat installation alone, strongly propose that you enroll with the aid of a registered professional contractor. The information on this page will give you an idea of how normally fireplaces are set up. Cannot be held liable for any unsuitable installations, infringements of building code, or accidents during installation.
Determine the right height
Whatever method you choose next, the height at which you want the coat to be placed must be identified. Since wood is a combustible substance, it is a minimum distance between a fireplace and a wooden cloak to follow certain requirements. The following guidelines from the National Fire Protection Association are in line with most localities for real wood fires. But ensure compliance with local legislation and the advice of the manufacturer. Often “zero headroom” gas ventless fireplace and additional criteria can be considered.
Method slide through rebar
- Locate stubble, stone, or fake furnace behind a brick.
- Place 1/2 cm tubes or lag torches. 2. In at 3/4. By every single bolt. While some installs, rebar is used, in others, lag screws are 3/4 x 12″ used. The benefit of lag screws is that they can be placed in the clamps safely. On the other hand, for many coats, they can be a little short. When the lag screws are set, cut the heads off by an angle grinder, an angled screw, or another cutting device.
- In general, it is good that the backrest stubs are passed entirely through. Likewise, you want the rods to penetrate the edge depth around 2/3.
- Have an assistant on the ledge, marked at the back of the ledge with the support rod. Drill the corresponding hole behind the cloak. Test the shelf for correct boiling of the trousers.
- Apply holes using building adhesive. Optionally apply the adhesive on the wall and the back of the coat if there is a good surface.
- Admire and enjoy your location!
Anchored in masonry mantel installation method
You can use the steelwork to support the mantle if you cannot reach or locate the stand studs AND you are using thick steel (above four inches). The important difference is that the brickwork with a hammer drill and a lead masonry anchor is drilled in step one above.
Next, before you connect a bolt or rod, insert the lead expansion anchor. Take steps 2 to 5 above. Make sure your masonry is sturdy enough and not so deep that the lever against the masonry is particularly strong.
Method of installing backing board mantle
Honestly, when the fireplace brickwork is already built or almost finished, it is typically utilized to slide over the bar. This strategy is probably easier and stronger if you understand the procedure early, and have some area to move behind your chimney installation.
- Cut a “back panel” as deep as the thick, dense as the coat, and wide as long as the coat of arms.
- Attach as many bolts as possible from the fireplace’s front with 2 lag bolts for each bolt. The countersunk hole must be pre-drilled to flush the bolt’s head with the backboard surface. Lags with a length of 5 or 6″ are usually long enough.
- Attach the backing board to the cloak temporarily. Boil the screw holes in advance. Pull the lag bolts across the back panel and back of the cloak. Use the same number of bolts from the sideline to the cloak used from the sideline to the grips. Bolts should be sufficient length to cover 2/3 the shelf depth + the backing board thickness.
- Fulfill the fireplace, install masonry and enjoy it!
The fireplace installation method for stud support
The corbels in the cloakroom are most of the time only decorative. Brackets can nonetheless be connected to the stubs to produce a highly sturdy assembly framework.
1) Start with 2″ brackets + pad wide + padding wide + padding shelf depth – 1 to 2″
2) Cut the tight bracket in which the stud is placed carefully.
3) Cross the bracket and stud bolts. Hold together. Hold together.
4) Fulfill the rest of the fireplace and the maceration plant.
5) Use the top brackets with adhesive. Put on the top of the mantel. Clamp to dry. Clamp to dry.
Mantle care information
Most of the coats are fully completed and leave facilities. The process is here:
The coats are sanded down and are ready for finishing when they are cut to your size specifications. A couple of coats of Danish oil are then reciprocated. Deft Danish Oil or Danish WATCO Oil normally are used. In order to restore its good state, a new coat of oil is needed over time, dry wood tends to be a little thirsty. The cloak gets absorbed by Danish oil over time and must be applied anew.
To achieve this, you just have to go and get a can of Danish oil in the natural hue and head to your favorite local home improvement store. Remove the petroleum from the mantle with a soft tub and leave it to dry for a couple of hours.
Initially, the mantel may need that more often, but it will soak with oil over time, and the shine will stay between the coats for longer durations. By then, a new oil coat may only be needed once or twice a year.