Digital Marketing

8 Tips on Choosing a Reliable AdWords Agency

Google AdWords are remarkably effective digital marketing tools that can definitely help your business grow. These tools are accessible for any business owner but you can get lost with the ways in which you can set up your campaign. It is easy to overthink or over rely on the suggestions that Google may make. It is important to look online for help with how to avoid wasting money when trying to market your business online. There is a lot of trial and error that can occur when attempting to start your own Google Ads campaign. A lot of the suggestions that Google provides can be seen as unnecessary according to digital marketing experts. The reason being it can waste money, or not give you the ideal conversions you may be searching for. A great way to avoid confusion surrounding digital marketing and Google AdWords is getting some advice from the experts. However, in any industry there are chances of going with a company that may not know the ins and outs of advertising for your particular business. So, here we have created a guide to help you pick a reliable AdWords agency.

Check their qualifications

Google is the best and most used search engine on the planet. If you want to get your business in front of people’s eyeballs, then you best believe you need to be on Google. But Google isn’t just a search engine, they’re also an educator. Google ads provides certificates and online training programs. These programs qualify advertiser’s competence in both basic and advanced aspects of Google Ads. For any agency that works on Google Ads a certificate will be the only way to prove their expertise and specialisation in Google Ads.

Check their case studies

Be sure to Google the AdWords Agency Melbourne you wish to work with. They should be easily findable on Google, they should have reviews, a website, and most likely some previous examples to show you their success stories. If they cannot show you a powerful case study with clear steps that they implemented to get their previous client’s the leads and outcomes they desired, then there is a chance they may not be the right agency for you. Being able to show past success and provide assurance of expertise is very important for you and for your business. It is about setting yourself up for success by being assured you can trust the company you will get to work on your Google Ads.

Check their reviews

A great mark of a good Ads Agency will be reviews on Google, this means that they have strong working relationships with the companies that they provide a service to. Checking their Google reviews and paying attention to any negative reviews is a must. If you are wanting to be extra careful, then try reaching out to one of their past clients to get an idea of how professional and efficient they are.

They can explain the processes clearly and help you understand

The truth is, Google Ads has amazing benefits to your business, but not every month is going to be a win. The important part here is to make sure that the agency you work with shares your values for success but has a strong roadmap to get there. They should provide indications of how they can improve, optimise and adjust keywords moving forward. They should be able to provide information on how they can remarket the campaign if months of poor results have occurred. It is typical that there will be bad months with slower business, but trends of slow months are definitely a cause for concern if there isn’t any good reason.

Be sure that they’re tracking the data, and reporting back

One indication of a very bad agency is if they don’t report at all. If you don’t see how you’re going, how do you know if your marketing budget is being put to good use? Any agency worth their salt should be reporting and walking you through those reports. Some companies can dazzle and confuse you with numbers, be sure to go to an agency, like castle Jackson, that takes the time to walk clients through their monthly reports, and explains what went well, what went bad, and what will change. Some companies will be tracking the information and explaining it to you clearly which is a good indication, but some companies may focus on some stats that are simply cosmetic. Something to look for is if an AdWords Agency uses Google Analytics. If they aren’t chances are the tracking software they use is going to be sub-par.

Communication and transparency is key

When communicating with an Ad agency in the beginning, there will be some consistent communication pathways between you and them. There is a high likelihood you will hear from them once a week, maybe more depending on how fast they work, and how available you might be. The most important thing is that once the campaign is running, that that company is still willing to call you to check in regularly, or to an agreed upon schedule. Conversely it is important that communication is strong and consistent at the beginning, so that your campaign is as robust as possible. Speaking of communicating, are there any hidden costs? Addressing the elephant in the room first is going to be beneficial for all parties. Making sure that you understand the costs involved and what they involve will make it easier for you to track the expenses keep to budget, but ultimately it makes you feel more secure that the business you work with is genuine.

Shared Values

Does the relationship fit? It is important that the people you are talking to are genuine workers that just want to help your business, and not just themselves. Have a conversation with the agency and be open and honest with a healthy number of sceptical questions. If the salesman is confident and personable and knows their stuff about how they can help, then it can be a good fit. But keep the above list in mind when questioning them.

A good working environment

Any Google Ad agency should provide you with a consistent contact to liaise with. Knowing the person you need to talk to and to get in contact with is going to make you feel safer with your decision. If you only have to deal with one person, then that’s all the better. They are the main contact that gives you all the answers to your questions and can reassure that your campaign is going to continue to benefit you. Make sure that your relationship with that contact is consistent and helpful. If it isn’t then it may be worth talking to the company, or finding a new one.
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